1. Advances in Water Resources
2. Applied Mathematics and Computation
3. Applied Mathematical Modelling
4. Astroparticle physics
5. New Astronomy Reviews
6. Computers and Structures
7. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
8. Chemical Physics
9. Computers & Mathematics with Applications
10. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
11. Computer Communications
12. Computer Networks
13. European Journal of Operational Research
14. Expert Systems with Applications
15. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
16. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
17. International Journal of Engineering Science
18. Information Sciences
19. International Journal of Plasticity
20. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
21. Advances in Space Research
22. Journal of Banking and Finance
23. Knowledge Based System
24. Language Sciences
25. Mathematical Biosciences
26. Mechanics of Materials
27. Marine Pollution Bulletin
28. Ocean Modelling
29. Parallel Computing
30. Pattern Recognition Letters
31. Reproductive BioMedicine Online
32. International Journal of Solids and Structures
33. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
34. Speech Communication
35. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
36. Annals of Physics
37. Information and Computation
38. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
39. Journal of Computational Physics
40. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
41. Optics Communications
42. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
2. Applied Mathematics and Computation
3. Applied Mathematical Modelling
4. Astroparticle physics
5. New Astronomy Reviews
6. Computers and Structures
7. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
8. Chemical Physics
9. Computers & Mathematics with Applications
10. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
11. Computer Communications
12. Computer Networks
13. European Journal of Operational Research
14. Expert Systems with Applications
15. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
16. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
17. International Journal of Engineering Science
18. Information Sciences
19. International Journal of Plasticity
20. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
21. Advances in Space Research
22. Journal of Banking and Finance
23. Knowledge Based System
24. Language Sciences
25. Mathematical Biosciences
26. Mechanics of Materials
27. Marine Pollution Bulletin
28. Ocean Modelling
29. Parallel Computing
30. Pattern Recognition Letters
31. Reproductive BioMedicine Online
32. International Journal of Solids and Structures
33. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
34. Speech Communication
35. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
36. Annals of Physics
37. Information and Computation
38. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
39. Journal of Computational Physics
40. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
41. Optics Communications
42. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
43. Computers and Fluids